Seamlessly & Automatically Archive Social Media

Ensure all digital social media records are thoroughly and reliably archived. Automatically archive all social media posts and engagement for open records management and general recordkeeping.

Illustration of a red folder with documents coming out of it.
A small town mainstreet with three stores side by side.

Why Archiving Matters

Social media is considered public record in all 50 states, which means that in order to comply with public records laws, government agencies and public entities must retain all records of social media communications and interactions to support public records requests. Without the right technology, this can be time-consuming, expensive, or both!

How We Archive Social

Social Media for Government is built especially for the unique needs of regulated organizations, which means archival is baked into our technology. It happens in the background, providing thorough documentation of all posts and engagements, which can be queried as needed–saving your organization tons of time and providing peace of mind.

A girl in the aisle at the library looking at books on a shelf

State & Federal Regulations

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and state and public records laws afford the public the right to request access to records from public agencies, however laws and regulatory requirements vary from state to state–making thorough compliance especially critical.

Comprehensive for Posts, Comments & More

Records requests can include not only posts, but comments, direct messages, and other on-platform engagements across all major channels, making a comprehensive archival solution especially important.

Automatic & Reliable Archiving

Recordkeeping for the purpose of audits and records requests is not required of social media platforms, putting the onus on organizations like yours. Automating the process saves tons of time and resources, so you never have to worry about screenshots, file storage, and other cumbersome archival processes.

Ready to automate archival across all your organization’s channels and pages? 

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